24-7 Emergency Advice Multilingual Emergency Line
Manufacturers and suppliers of chemicals and hazardous goods have an obligation to provide an emergency telephone number.
In Europe, REACH compliant Safety Data Sheets show an emergency telephone number in section 1.4 which should give access to someone who is competent to assist and “…..should be able to address requests/calls in the official language(s) of the Member State(s) for which the SDS is intended.” *
There is no knowing when a chemical incident will occur, so it is advisable for emergency numbers to operate at all times. If exporting to certain other countries, these have their own national rules – such as requiring a domestic number or advice in the local language. Keeping up with legislative changes can seem like an onerous or expensive task for a company to manage.
We can do this on your behalf and as legislation around the world changes, we develop our service accordingly. The multi-lingual 24-7 Emergency Advice service is a robust solution to providing advice to those dealing with incidents involving hazardous goods, delivered in the language of the caller. Using language recognition skills and the latest in telecommunication technology, the language of the caller is quickly determined and, if necessary, an interpreter will be brought into the call. There is no need for the caller to re-dial.
* ECHA Guidance on the compilation of safety data sheets Version 3.1 – September 2015. Link: https://echa.europa.eu/documents/10162/23036412/sds_en.pdf/01c29e23-2cbe-49c0-aca7-72f22e101e20
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